Osiewalska, B., Matysiak, A., 2025, Two Sides of a Coin: The Relationship Between Work Autonomy and Childbearing. Journal of Marriage and Family, forthcoming
Berghammer, C., Matysiak, A., Rinesi, F., Lyngstad, T., 2024, Is single parenthood increasingly an experience of less educated mothers? A European comparison over five decades, Demographic Research 51, Article 34, p. 1059-1094
Jarosz, E., Matysiak, A., Osiewalska, B., 2024, Mothers’ parenting behaviours, strain, enjoyment and subsequent childbearing. Journal of Family Issues, Online First
Bogusz, H., Matysiak, A., Kreyenfeld, M., 2024, Structural Labour Market Change, Cognitive Work, and Entry to Parenthood in Germany. Population Studies, 1-27.
Matysiak, A., Hardy, W., van der Velde, L., 2024, Structural labour market change and gender inequalities in earnings. Work, Employment and Society, Online First, preprint
Matysiak, A., Vignoli, D, 2024, Family Life Courses, Uncertain Futures, and the Changing World of Work: State-of-the-art and Prospects. Introduction to the special issue Families in the Changing World of Work, European Journal of Population 40, Article 19
Kasperska, A., Matysiak, A., Cukrowska-Torzewska, E., 2024, Managerial (dis)preferences towards employees working from home: Post-pandemic experimental evidence. PLoS ONE 19(5): e0303307
Osiewalska, B., Matysiak, A., Kurowska, A., 2024, Home-based work and childbearing. Population Studies, 1-21
Matysiak, A., Kurowska, A., Pavelea, A., 2024, His unemployment, her response, and the moderating role of welfare policies in European countries. Preregistered study findings, PLoS ONE 19(8): e0306964.
Jarosz, E., Matysiak, A., Osiewalska, B., 2023, Maternal free time – a missing element in fertility studies. Population and Development Review 49 (4): 729-988
Kurowska, A., Matysiak, A., Osiewalska, B., 2023, Working from home during Covid-19 pandemic and changes to fertility intentions among parents, European Journal of Population 39(32)
Matysiak, A., Bellani, D., Bogusz, H., 2023, Industrial robots and regional fertility in European countries. European Journal of Population 39(11)
Kurowska, A., Barardehi, I.H.,…., Matysiak, A.,….., Gabel S.G., 2023, Familydemic Cross Country and Gender Dataset on work and family outcomes during COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Data 10(1): 1-11.
Tocchioni, V., Rybińska, A., Mynarska, M., Matysiak, A. Vignoli, D., 2022, Life-course trajectories of childless women: Country-specific or universal? European Journal of Population 38(5): 1315-1332.
Baranowska-Rataj, A., Matysiak, A., 2022, Family Size and Men’s Labor Market Outcomes: Do Social Beliefs About Men’s Roles in the Family Matter? Feminist Economics 28(2): 93-118
Alderotti, G., Vignoli, D., Baccini, M., Matysiak, A., 2021, Employment Instability and Fertility in Europe: A Meta-Analysis, Demography 58(3): 871-900.
Matysiak, A., Mynarska, M., 2021, Motives for Combining Motherhood with Employment: Evidence for Medium and Highly Educated Polish Women Around the EU Accession. Central Economic European Journal 8(55): 63-78.
Matysiak, A., Sobotka, T., Vignoli, D., 2021, The Great Recession and Fertility in Europe: A Sub-national Analysis. European Journal of Population 37: 29–64.
Matysiak, A., Mynarska, M., 2020, Self-Employment as a Work-and-Family Reconciliation Strategy? Evidence from Poland. Advances in Life Course Research 45, Article 100329.
Cukrowska-Torzewska, E., Matysiak, A., , 2020, The Motherhood Wage Penalty: A Meta-Analysis. Social Science Research 88-89, Article 102416.
Nitsche, N., Matysiak, A., Van Bavel, J., Vignoli, D., 2018, Partners’ Educational Pairings and Fertility Across Europe. Demography, 55(4): 1195–1232.
Billingsley, S., Matysiak, A., 2018, Social mobility and family expansion in Poland and Russia during socialism and capitalism. Advances in Life Course Research 36: 80-91.
Vignoli, D., Matysiak, A., Styrc, M., Tocchioni, V., 2018, The Positive Impact of Women’s Employment on Divorce: Context, Selection, or Anticipation? Demographic Research 38, Article 37, 1059–1110.
Matysiak, A., Mencarini, L., Vignoli, D., 2016, Work–Family Conflict Moderates the Relationship Between Childbearing and Subjective Well-Being. European Journal of Population 32:355–379.
Baranowska-Rataj, A., Matysiak, A., 2016, The Causal Effects of the Number of Children on Female Employment – Do European Institutional and Gender Conditions Matter? Journal of Labour Research 37:343–367.
Matysiak, A., Węziak-Białowolska, D., 2016, Country-specific conditions of work and family reconciliation. An Attempt at Quantification. European Journal of Population 32:475–510.
Mynarska, M., Matysiak, A., Rybińska, A., Tocchioni, V., Vignoli, D., 2015, Diverse paths into childlessness over the life course. Advances in Life Course Research 25, p. 35-48.
Matysiak, A., Szalma, I., 2014, Effects of Parental Leave Policies on Second Birth Risks and Women’s Employment Entry. Population. The English Edition 69(4): 599-636.
Mynarska, M., Baranowska-Rataj, A., Matysiak, A., 2014, Free to stay, free to leave: Insights from Poland into the meaning of cohabitation. Demographic Research 31, Article 36, 1107-1136.
Baranowska-Rataj, A., Matysiak, A., Mynarska, M., 2014, Does Lone Motherhood Decrease Women’s Happiness? Evidence from Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Journal of Happiness Studies 15(6): 1456-1477.
Matysiak, A., Styrc, M., Vignoli, D., 2014, The educational gradient in marital disruption: A metaanalysis of European research. Population Studies 68(2): 197-215.
Matysiak, A., Vignoli, D., 2013, Diverse effects of women’s employment on fertility: insights from Italy and Poland. European Journal of Population 29(3): 273-302.
Styrc, M., Matysiak, A., 2012, Women’s employment and marital stability: the role of the context. Studia Demograficzne 1(161): 81-101.
Baranowska-Rataj, A., Matysiak, A., 2012, Czy znamy lekarstwo na niską dzietność? Wyniki międzynarodowych badań ewaluacyjnych na temat polityki rodzinnej. (Do we know how to increase fertility? A review of international research on family policy evaluation) Polityka Społeczna 7: 9-14.
Matysiak, A., 2011, Posiadanie własnego mieszkania a rodzicielstwo w Polsce (Home ownership and fertility in Poland). Studia Demograficzne 1(159): 37-55.
Baranowska A., Matysiak, A., 2011, Does Parenthood increase Happiness? Evidence from Poland. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 9, 307-325.
Matysiak, A., 2011, Fertility developments in Central and Eastern Europe: the role of work-family tensions. Demográfia – The English Edition 54(5): 7-30.
Mynarska, M., Matysiak, A., 2011, Diffusion of Cohabitation in Poland. Studia Demograficzne 1-2 (157-158): 11-26.
Matysiak, A., Vignoli, D., 2010, Employment around first birth in two adverse institutional settings: Evidence from Italy and Poland. Journal of Family Research 22(3): 331-349.
Hoem, J.M., Gabrielli, G., Jasilioniene, A., Kostova, D., Matysiak, A., 2010, Levels of recent union formation. Six European countries compared. Demographic Research 22, Article 9: 199-210.
Matysiak, A., 2009, Is Poland really “immune” to the spread of cohabitation? Demographic Research 21, Article 8: 215-234.
Matysiak, A., 2009, Employment first, then childbearing: women’s strategy in post-socialist Poland. Population Studies 63(3): 253-276.
Matysiak, A., Vignoli, D., 2009, Methods for reconciling the micro and the macr.o in family demography research: the systematization. Studia Demograficzne 1(155): 98-109.
Matysiak A., Steinmetz S., 2008, Finding Their Way? Female Employment Patterns in West Germany, East Germany, and Poland, European Sociological Review 24(3): 331-345
Matysiak A., Vignoli D., 2008. Fertility and women’s employment: a meta-analysis. European Journal of Population 24:363–384
Kotowska I.E.., Jóźwiak J., Matysiak A., Baranowska A., 2008, Poland: Fertility decline – a response to profound societal change and transformations in the labour market? Demographic Research 19, Article 22, 795-854.
Matysiak A., Nowok B., 2007, Stochastic forecast of the population of Poland. Demographic Research 17: 301-338.
Matysiak A., 2005, Sharing Professional and household duties within the Polish couples –preferences and actual choices. Studia Demograficzne, 1(147): 122-153.1
Books and monographs:
Matysiak, A., 2014, ed. Nowe wzorce formowania i rozwoju rodziny w Polsce. Przyczyny oraz wpływ na zadowolenie z życia (New patterns of family formation in Poland. Its causes and consequences for subjective well-being). Scholar Publishing, ISBN: 978-83-7383-654-9.
Matysiak A. 2011, Interdependencies between fertility and women’s labour supply. Springer, Dordrecht, ISBN 978-94-007-1284-3.
Kotowska I.E., Matysiak A., Domaradzka A., 2005, Scenariusze polityki ludnościowej do 2030r. Wyniki badania eksperckiego Delphi (Population policy scenarios. Delphi Study), Warsaw: Warsaw School of Economics Publishing.
Book chapters:
Matysiak, A., Cukrowska-Torzewska, E., 2021, Gender and labour market outcomes. In: Schneider, N.F., Kreyenfeld, M. (ed.) Research Handbook on the Sociology of the Family. Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 978 1 78897 553 7, p. 329-341.
Matysiak, A., Nitsche, N., 2016, Emerging Trends: Family Formation and Gender. In: Scott, R., Buchmann M., Kosslyn S. (eds.) Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 978-1-118-90077-2.
Matysiak, A., Mynarska, M. 2014, Urodzenia w kohabitacji: wybór czy konieczność (Childbearing in cohabitation). In: Matysiak, A. (ed.), Nowe wzorce formowania i rozwoju rodziny w Polsce. Przyczyny oraz wpływ na zadowolenie z życia (New patterns of family formation in Poland. Its causes and consequences for subjective well-being). Scholar Publishing, p. 24-53, ISBN: 978-83-7383-654-9.
Matysiak, A., 2014, Praca kobiet a macierzyństwo: rola poziomu wykształcenia i wykonywanego zawodu (Women’s paid work and motherhood: the role of the education level and occupation) In: Matysiak, A. (ed.), Nowe wzorce formowania i rozwoju rodziny w Polsce. Przyczyny oraz wpływ na zadowolenie z życia (New patterns of family formation in Poland. Its causes and consequences for subjective well-being). Scholar Publishing, p. 77-104, ISBN: 978-83-7383-654-9.
Mynarska, M., Matysiak, A., Rybińska, A., 2014, Którędy do bezdzietności? Analiza ścieżek życia kobiet, które nigdy nie zostały matkami (Pathways to childlessness). In: Matysiak, A. (ed.), Nowe wzorce formowania i rozwoju rodziny w Polsce. Przyczyny oraz wpływ na zadowolenie z życia (New patterns of family formation in Poland. Its causes and consequences for subjective well-being). Scholar Publishing, p. 105-131, ISBN: 978-83-7383-654-9.
Baranowska-Rataj, A., Matysiak, A., 2014, Jak zachowania w zakresie formowania i rozwoju rodzin wpływają na zadowolenie z życia? (How does family formation affect subjective well-being?) In: Matysiak, A. (ed.), Nowe wzorce formowania i rozwoju rodziny w Polsce. Przyczyny oraz wpływ na zadowolenie z życia (New patterns of family formation in Poland. Its causes and consequences for subjective well-being). Scholar Publishing, p. 187-208, ISBN: 978-83-7383-654-9.
Kotowska I.E., Matysiak A., 2008, Reconciliation of work and family under different institutional settings. In: Höhn Ch., Avramov D., Kotowska, I.E. (eds.), People, Population Change and Policies: Lessons from the Population Policy Acceptance Study, Springer, p. 347-370.
Matysiak A., 2007, Organizacja czasu pracy i opieki (Reconciling family and work). In: Kotowska, I.E., Sztanderska, U., Wóycicka, I. (eds.), Aktywność zawodowa i edukacyjna a obowiązki rodzinne w Polsce w świetle badań empirycznych (Economic and educational activity and family responsibilities in Poland), Warsaw: Scholar Publishing, p. 345-382, ISBN 978-83-7383-248-0.
Matysiak A., 2007, Indywidualne przesłanki zwiększenia aktywności zawodowej (Individual prerequisities for increasing economic activity). In: Kotowska I.E., Sztanderska U., Wóycicka I.(eds.), Aktywność zawodowa i edukacyjna a obowiązki rodzinne w Polsce w świetle badań empirycznych (Economic and educational activity and family responsibilities in Poland), Warsaw: Scholar Publishing, p. 383-403, ISBN 978-83-7383-248-0.
Kotowska I.E., Matysiak A., Wincenciak L., Grotkowska G., 2007, Koncepcja projektu Aktywność zawodowa i edukacyjna a obowiązki rodzinne (Economic and educational activity versus family duties – project concept). In: Kotowska I.E., Sztanderska U., Wóycicka I.(eds.), Aktywność zawodowa i edukacyjna a obowiązki rodzinne w Polsce w świetle badań empirycznych (Economic and educational activity and family responsibilities in Poland), Warsaw: Scholar Publishing, pp. 47-80, ISBN 978-83-7383-248-0.
unpublished working papers and reports
Matysiak, A., Kasperska, A., Cukrowska-Torzewska, E., 2023, Mechanisms Underlying the Effects of Work From Home on Careers in the Post-Covid Context. WNE Working Paper No 28.
Cukrowska-Torzewska, E., Matysiak, A., Kasperska, A., Gender and family perspectives on the uptake of ICT-induced home-based work. WNE Working Paper No 1
Sobotka, T., Matysiak, A., Brzozowska, Z., 2019, Policy responses to low fertility: How effective are they? UNFPA Working Paper No 1.
Matysiak, A., Słoczyński, T., Baranowska, A. 2010. Men and women in the labour market. In : Bukowski, M. (ed.) Employment in Poland 2008. Employment over the life course. Warsaw : Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.
Kotowska I.E., A. Matysiak, M. Styrc, A. Pailhe, A. Solaz and D. Vignoli. 2010. Family Life and Work. Report from the Second European Quality of Life Survey. Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.
Kotowska I.E., Matysiak A., Muszyńska M., Abramowska A., 2006, Comparative report on work and parenthood. Summary policy implications regarding work and parenthood, Work package 6, Project DIALOG, Bundesinstitut fuer Bevoelkerungsforschung, Wiesbaden.