2024 – 

Full Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw

2020 –

2020 –

Secretary General and Treasurer, European Association of Population Studies

2021 –

Editor-In-Chief Central European Economic Journal (CEEJ)

2021 –

Member of the Editorial Board, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research

2012 –

Member of the Council of Advisors of Population Europe


2017 – 2022

2015 – 2017

Deputy Editor at Demography (journal of Population Association of America)

Editor of the Book Review Section in European Journal of Population

2012 –2019

Member of the Editorial Board in Studia Demograficzne (Polish demographic journal)

2015 –2019

Member of the IUSSP Panel on Subjective well-being and demographic events, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population

2009 –2019

International Collaborator of the Stockholm University Linnaeus Center on Social Policy and Family Dynamics in Europe



Habilitation in Economics, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland 


PhD in Economics, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland


European Research Master of Demography, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany


Master degree in Quantitative Methods and Information Systems, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland


Master degree in Economics, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland


2020 – 2024

2013 – 2019

Associate Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw

Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU), Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria

Nov 2008 – Jan2009

Doctoral Fellow at the Laboratory of Population and Policy, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany

Oct 2006 – March 2007

Doctoral Fellow at the International Max Planck Research School of Demography, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany.

2005 – 2006

PhD student at the European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Germany.

2003 – 2009

Research Assistant, Institute of Statistics and Demography, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

2003 – 2005

Research Assistant at the Gdańsk Research Institute on Market Economies, Warsaw, Poland



The Dirk van de Kaa Award for Social Demography for outstanding achievements in social demography by an individual scholar, granted by European Association for Population Studies.


Recognition within the Change the World, One Article at a Time Initiative of the Springer Nature for the article “Country-specific conditions of work and family reconciliation. An Attempt at Quantification” published in the European Journal of Population (co-author D. Węziak-Białowolska)


Prize of the National Science Centre of Poland for the best young researcher in the field of arts, humanities and social sciences, 2013


Prize of the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for the book ‘Interdependencies between fertility and women’s labour supply’. Dordrecht: Springer


Prize of the Rector of the Warsaw School of Economics for the scientific achievements


Scientific Award of the Ministry of Science and Tertiary Education for the best young researchers, 2010


Scientific Scholarship granted by the Polish weekly magazine Polityka, 2009

2007 – 2008

Scientific Scholarship START granted by the Foundation for Polish Science



Globalization- and Technology-Driven Labour Market Change and Fertility (LABFER), ERC Consolidator Grant 2019, Amount: 1,998,000 EUR


Risks, Resources and Inequalities:  Increasing Resilience in European Families (rEUsilience), Horizon Europe project, PI of the Polish team, Polish budget: ~ 400,000 EUR


The role of home-based work for career prospects of men and women: an experimental study for Poland and the United Kingdom, internal funding of the University of Warsaw, amount granted ~ 25,000 EUR


Polish Returns 2019, funding of the National Agency of Academic Exchange (NAWA) for establishing a research team upon the return to Poland after at least two-year long research stay abroad 

2010 – 2013

Family Change and Subjective Well-being (FAMWELL), financed by the National Centre for Research and Development (Poland) within a Programme LEADER, directed to young researchers (max 4 years after the PhD) for establishing a research team. Amount granted: 250 000 EUR

2011 – 2013

Family Change in Italy and Poland (FAMCHIP), collaborative project with University of Florence  financed by National Science Centre in Poland. Amount granted: 100,000 EUR; PI: Irena E. Kotowska; My role: initiation of the grant and preparation of the grant proposal together with D. Vignoli (University of Florence)

2011 – 2012

Women’s self-employment in Poland: A strategy for combining work and childcare? Research Grant funded by CERGE-EI Foundation within the Global Development Network, Co-Principal Investigator (with M. Mynarska)



2014 – 2017

Fertility and Reproduction in 21st Century Europe (EURREP), ERC Starting Grant (PI: T. Sobotka), Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences.

2013 – 2016

Families and Societies – Changing families and sustainable societies: Policy contexts and diversity over the life course and across generations, 7th EC Framework Programme.

2004 – 2009

Reconciling Work and Welfare in Europe  (RECWOWE) funded by the EC 7th Framework Program

2004 – 2007

The Insecure Perspectives of the Low Skilled in the Knowledge Society (LOWER3), workpackage on gender and the labour market, under the EC 6th Framework Program

2002 – 2005

Population Policy Acceptance (PPA) Study. The Viewpoint of Citizens and Policy Actors Regarding the Management of Population Related Change (DIALOG) under the EC 5th Framework Program.


2009 – 2012

Generations and Gender Programme, 1st round – Poland, project financed by the Ministry of Science and Tertiary Education, conducted at the Institute of Statistics and Demography – Warsaw School of Economics.

2009 – 2010

Employment from the life course perspective, Poland project financed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in cooperation with Institute for Structural Studies.

2005 – 2007

Structural and cultural determinants of women’s labour force participation in Poland, financed by the Ministry of Science.

2005 – 2007

Economic and educational activity of women and their care duties, funded from the European Social Fund, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.



Member of the Organising Committee, 21st ESPAnet Annual Conference 2023, University of Warsaw, Poland


Member of the Organising Committee, Understanding Demographic Change, national conference of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 13-14.06.2022


Organiser of the Family Life and the Changing World of Work Conference, organised at the University of Warsaw jointly with University of Florence, 15-16.09.2022

2019  – 2020

Convenor of the Fertility Theme at the European Population Conference, Padova 24-27.06.2020 (cancelled due o COVID-19)


Organiser of the scientific session at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting PAA 2019, Austin/Texas, 10-13.04.2019


Member of the Organising Committee of the international workshop ”Integrating Subjective Well-being in the Demographic Agenda” side meeting to the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Chicago 26.04.2017


A member of the organizing committee of the international conference “Comparing families: does international perspective help?”, Warsaw School of Economics, 17-18.12.2013


A member of the organizing committee of the 2nd Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) User Group Conference, Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, Bocconi University, Milano, Italy, 24 and 25. 10. 2013


Member of the Organising Committee of the national conference „New patterns of family formation in Poland: their causes and consequences on subjective well-being”, Warsaw School of Economics, 18.06.2013


Convenor of the Fertility Theme in the European Population Conference, Stockholm 13-16.06.2012.



Technology, labour market change and fertility, keynote presentation at the 7th Generations and Gender User Conference, SGH Warsaw School of Economics 13-15.09.2023


Structural Labour Market Change and Fertility, invited presentation at the Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary, 12.06.2023


Structural Labour Market Change and Fertility, keynote presentation at the conference „Uncertainty and Fertility in Europe: State-Of-The-Art and Prospects”, University of Florence, 25-26.05.2023


Interdependencies between family and labour market dynamics, keynote presentation ECSR Spring School, University of Torino, Italy, 29.03.2023


Automation, long-term structural changes in the labour market and fertility, presentation at the PHRG Seminar, University of St Andrews, UK, 13.01.2023 (co-authors: Daniela Bellani and Honorata Bogusz)


Digitalisation, changing demand for skills and gender inequality in earnings, seminar at the Department of Sociology, Umea University, 18.11.2022 (co-authors: Wojciech Hardy and Lucas Van Der Velde)


Digitalisation, changing demand for skills and gender inequality in earnings, Interdisciplinary Seminar in Empirical Social Science, University of Warsaw, 25.10.2022 (co-authors: Wojciech Hardy and Lucas Van Der Velde)


Are women who work from home more likely to have babies? Evidence from the UK, Center for Population Change Seminar, University of Southampton, 24 February 2022 (co-authors: B. Osiewalska, A. Kurowska)


Are women who work from home more likely to have babies? Evidence from the UK, presentation at the LINES / LIVES Internal Seminar, University of Lausanne 12.10.2021 (co-authors: B. Osiewalska, A. Kurowska)


Digitalisation, changing demand for skills and the gender wage gap – keynote presentation at the dynamics of Inequality Across the Life Course Final Conference, Brussels, 21-22.10.2021 (in collaboration with W. Hardy and L. van der Velde)


Men’s involvement in the family and fertility: what about men’s opportunity costs? Invited presentation at the seminar series of the Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics & Public Policy, Bocconi University, Milano,  16.09.2019 (with A. Rybińska)


Men’s involvement in the family and fertility: what about men’s opportunity costs? Invited presentation at the seminar series of the Population and Health Research Group, University of St Andrews, 14.05.2019 (with A. Rybinska)


Do family policies affect fertility? – invited presentation at the research seminar “Global Population Challenges”, Department of Demography, Charles University, Prague,  29.04.2019


Evidence-based family policies as a response to the demographical challenges in Europe, invited presentation at the plenary session at the conference “Regional symposium on evidence-based family policies. Implications of Gender and Generations Survey data in the UNECE Region”, UNFPA, UNECE & UNICEF & the Government of Belarus, Minsk 20-21.03.2018


Partners’ involvement in the family and their fertility desires, invited presentation at the conference “Changing Gender Inequalities, Changing Families?”, Centre for Sociological Research, University of Leuven, Leuven, 7-8.12.2017 (with A. Rybinska)


Self-Employment as a Work-and-Family Reconciliation Strategy?, invited presentation at the conference “Low Fertility, Labor Market, and Family: Factors, Outcomes, and Policy Implications”,  East-West Center, Honolulu, US, 20-21.11.2017 (with M. Mynarska)


Potential of GGS data for international comparative research – keynote speech at the Polish Gender and Generations Conference, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw 26.06.2017 (with T. Sobotka and D.  Vignoli)


The Impact of the Great Recession on Fertility in Europe, invited presentation at the colloquium, Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, 21.12.2016 (with T. Sobotka and D.  Vignoli)


The Impact of the Great Recession on Fertility in Europe, keynote speech at the workshop “Old and new families facing the new century’s challenges”, University of Padua, Padua 16.12.2016 (with T. Sobotka and D.  Vignoli)


Use of GGS Data in Comparative Family Research, invited presentation at “Generations and Gender Programme: Methodology and Data Use Conference”, UNFPA & UNICEF, Minsk, 28.11.2016


The Impact of the Great Recession on Fertility in Europe, invited presentation at the colloquium, Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics & Public Policy, Bocconi University, Milano,  15.02.2016 (with T. Sobotka and D.  Vignoli)


Diverse pathways to childlessness over the life course, invited presentation at the colloquium, Vienna Institute of Demography, Vienna 02.07.2013 (with M. Mynarska, A. Rybinska, V. Tocchioni, D. Vignoli)


Which family model makes couples more happy – dual earner or male breadwinner?, invited  presentation at the 46th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Rome, 20-22.06.2012 (with A Baranowska-Rataj)


Women’s employment in an adverse institutional setting: does it discourage childbearing? invited presentation at the Rostocker Ring Conference, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, 1.07.2010 (with D. Vignoli)


Interdependencies between fertility and women’s labour supply, invited presentation at the colloquium, Department of Statistics and Demography, University of Florence, Italy, 27.05.2009